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APV for our Youth Exchanges' activities in Armenia

Our hard working international team arrived in Armenia from different countries to plan the EU Youth Exchange project activities on SALES & ENTREPRENEURSHIP.

From each of the participant countries group leaders and participants came together and discussed the upcoming project in details, making sure the arrangement of the participants’ accommodation, project agenda, distributing roles and responsibilities of everyone.

Most part of the Youth Exchange's practical arrangements will be handled by the host country team.

The accommodation and venue (Amberd Hotel, Byurakan) was chosen taking into account not only comfort, but also safety of the participants, which was the most important criteria to pay attention, while choosing the venue. The project’s organizational team will ensure the safety by taking steps to prevent any kind of casualties. They will also be prepared to handle any emergency situations if needed and first-aid kits will be accompanying the youngsters everywhere.

As soon as all the country groups are back from Armenia to their home countries there will be a date of an online call announced for all the involved participants (INFO SESSION before the start of the project). During the call there will be a detailed info session on the organizational results of the Advance Planning Visit, in order to make sure the all participants' expectations are coinciding with the project's goals, to answer all their questions, to discuss all the important parts, like food and other allergies of the participants, thus ensuring fun, safe and non-formal learning environment for all the involved young people for all the days of the project.

Us on TV to inform about the start of the YE.


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