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JOB MARKET IN NL. ONLINE EVENT for Ukrainian Refugees

In cooperation with the Oliver James recruiting agency Bright Future organized an online event for Ukrainian refugees to find out labour market specificities in the Netherlands.

To help our students (refugees from Ukraine) to better integrate into Dutch way of living, to find out specificities of the local corporate world we put together a brief presentation on Dutch Job Market and Cultural Differences Between the Netherlands & Ukraine.

Recruiters from Oliver James Avital Kuperman and Reinier Hovius answered to all the questions of our students (refugees from Ukraine) to support them to better integrate into Dutch way of living, to find out specificities of the local corporate world in the Netherlands and find their dream jobs in this beautiful country. .

In non-formal and friendly online environment the Bright Future's HR manager & recruiting specialist Kateryna Prokhorova shared job market and cultural differences between the two countries - the Netherlands & Ukraine, gave practical tips on how to find a job in the Netherlands, how to design your CV and what to write in your motivation letter to make it attractive and competitive.

In non-formal and friendly online environment Bright Future's HR manager & recruiting specialist Kateryna Prokhorova represented differences between two countries gave practical tips on how to find a job in the Netherlands, how to design your CV and what to write in your motivation letter to make it attractive and competitive.

After the event we’ve got a great number of positive feedbacks and even more further questions!

Keep an eye on our social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube), if you do not want to miss the upcoming events on this topic.

If you are an Employer/Recruiting Agency in the Netherlands, contact us!

Our recruiting specialists will help you to find the best employees among Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands!

If you want to become our student, learn/improve English free of charge and be involved in different events organize for Ukrainian people to help their inclusion into job market in the Netherlands, please APPLY!

Text in Russian

ИНТЕНСИВНЫЕ БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ онлайн курсы для беженцев из Украины!

Чего мы поможем достичь?

✅Выучить/усовершенствовать английский язык (зная английский, вы можете работать в Нидерландах на многих должностях в международных организациях);

✅Составим вместе хорошее РЕЗЮМЕ для нидерландских работодателей;

✅Напишем вместе конкурентоспособные мотивационные письма;

✅Расскажем, куда и как податься на работу;

✅Подготовим к предстоящему интервью с потенциальным работодателем;

✅Изучим особенности местного рынка по трудоустройству.

ПЕДАГОГИ/ТРЕНЕРЫ: носители английского языка ЛЕО и ЧЕНЕЙ.




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