Do you want to have one of the best travel experiences in your life? What if we offer you to be involved in European Union’s Erasmus+ project, to travel for free to Poland, experiencing different cultures, sharing and gaining skills in challenging non-formal environment?
This sounds great, doesn’t it? Hurry up to learn more and APPLY NOW!

♨️FORMAT: Interactive International Youth Exchanges
📢DATES: 11/07/2022 -19/07/2022
♨️PROJECT VENUE: Częstochowa, Poland
💰ECONOMIC CONDITIONS: Food and Accommodation will be 100% covered by the Accepting Organisation.
✈️TRAVEL COSTS: Will be reimbursed up to 275€ for participants, travelling from the Netherlands - 275€
PREFERRED AGE OF THE PARTICIPANTS: 18 – 30 years (no age restriction for the group leader)
✅To get acquainted with the situation of young people in the local labor markets in the countries of the partner organizations (presentations);
✅To Acquiring knowledge about creating a business plan of an innovative micro-enterprise on the basis of Business Model Canvas;
✅To Conducting interviews with the local community in order to learn about the customers' needs and to analyze the target group;
✅To Creating business models for innovative micro-enterprise on the basis of Business Model Canvas;
✅To Creating by the project participants models of innovative micro-enterprises of the product/service, target group and marketing of the company;
✅To Meeting with the local community and local entrepreneurs in the host country, presenting the innovative micro-enterprise models, conducting meetings with the local community in the partner countries;
✅To Promotion of tolerance and equality;
✅To Exchange of views, developing skills, concentration, problem solving;
✅To Improving skills of creative functioning in an international team;
✅To Getting to know the culture of countries participating in the exchange;
✅To Breaking cultural and language barriers;
✅To Establishing dialogue and cooperation with the local community.
🔔 Only the selected candidates will be contacted 🔔
PROJECT ORGANIZER: Idea for Life, Poland
❓If you have any questions, please contact us ✍️
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