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Solidarity Workshop for Elderlies on Mobile Applications

"Digital Skills for Elderlies" Solidarity Project's following non-formal workshop took place

at Wijkcentrum Alleman (Participe Amstelland). The target group was given space to experience and use different mobile application, asked various questions, practiced the learned skills. The elderlies received quality support from the Solidarity project volunteers.

This amazing initiative is its kind of response to COVID-19 and the digital issues the elderlies face on a daily basis nowadays. It aims to help elderlies to integrate in today’s digital environment and lifestyle.

Within this Solidarity project our initiative volunteers cooperate with our trustful partner - community center in Amstelveen Participe Amstelland. Because Participe Amstellandworks with vulnerable groups of elderlies, they are allowed to carry out activities for elderlies in small groups and under strict COVID regulations. Our volunteers followed all the COVID-19 measures: they disinfected the conference room before and after the workshop, were actively using hand disinfection gel during the workshop, etc.

Digital Skills for Elderlies” is being implemented under European Solidarity Corps.

Read more and JOIN US for volunteering opportunities!


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